Thirty acres of land had been reserved for a Muslim Cemetery. The Muslim Cemetery operates based on the Quran, Hadith and Sunnah (tradition) of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
The Muslim Cemetery is legally permitted by the State of North Carolina to offer burial services according to Islamic principles. This Muslim Cemetery is open to all Muslims regardless of your residence.
The Muslim Cemetery is a non-profit organization so your donations are critical in maintaining and improving the cemetery. This cemetery will lighten the burden for present and future generations of Muslims Americans. Please consider donating to this noble cause.
Please read the information below before contacting the Islamic Center of High Point.
1.When death occurs, please print and fill ou the Cemetery/Funeral Services Application and bring this to the Islamic Center of High Point. You
may access this by clicking here.
2.It is highly recommended that a guardian or a family member of the deceased to come to the Islamic Center of High Point so that we can fully assist you in this diffucult time. Please inform the Islamic Center ahead of time before your visit at 336-885-0786. We will help you make all arrangements to bury the deceased and explain all necessary costs associated with burial services.
3.Guardian(s) must bring ALL of the following documentation to the Islamic Center on the initial visit:
-Death Certificate
-Identification Card (Ex: Driver's License, ID, or Passport)
-Social Security Card
Note: Bring the original or a copy of each of the three documents.
4.When all immediate details are finalized, then Islamic Center of
High Point will announce the death as well as the date, time and place
for Janaza prayer.
5.Guardians must agree to follow all policies and guidelines of
washing the body and Ghusul procedure. If you want
assistance in giving the Ghusul we are more than welcome in providing
the assistance.
6.Janazah prayer will then be prayed on time previously scheduled.
7.After Janazah prayer, the deceased should be transported (arranged by the family of the deceased) for burial to the Muslim Cemetery.